
All about the amazing creatures who once ruled the planet.

List of State Dinosaurs
Did you know that most of the U.S. states have a special state dinosaur to call their own? Check out our list and see if your state makes the cut!

List of Fossils (By State!)
Similar to state dinos, use our list of official U.S. state fossils to discover if you too have a special set of bones, plant remains, or prehistoric fish bits to call your own.

Dinosaur News
Fossil finds from the miniature to the monstrous.

T. RexFossils Fetch Bargain Price
Just how much does aT. Rexgo for these days?

Tyrannosaurus rex

Spinosaurus vs. T. Rex
How would these two measure up in the ultimate grudge match?

Tyrannosaurus Sue
After some 60 million years, the prehistoric giant stands again — at Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History.


The Dinosaur Hall of Fame
A guide to the biggest, smallest, fastest, smartest, dumbest, widest, oldest, and most popular dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Quiz
Do you know what colors the dinosaurs were? Test your dino savvy with our fun quiz.


Classifying the Dinosaurs
Find out how scientists sort and file the lizard-hipped, the beast-footed, the horned-faced, and the iguana-toothed, not to mention all the other "ruling reptiles".

A 75-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Voice
With the help of a giant skull and a supercomputer, scientists brought back the sweet song of the Parasaurolophus.


Dinosaurs: Fact and Fiction
The answers are here — including who they hung out with, how they traveled, what they ate, and why they died.

The Great Brontosaurus Hoax
Better not say this dirty little 12-letter-word around a dinosaur expert!


Dino Finder
Want to know more about your favorite prehistoric beast? Search for facts in our online encyclopedia.

See Also...

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